谦卑/Humble | |
让我们玩一个反义词的游戏。我说一个词,你来说出它的反义词。好了吗?白天。女孩。寒冷。夏天。最后一个,骄傲。你的答案是不是谦卑?对,谦卑是骄傲的反义词。我们今天的圣经经节就是讲到这两个反义词。 雅各书第4章6节说“神阻挡骄傲的人,赐恩给谦卑的人。”阻挡就是反对,与它争战。恩就是慈爱,我们不配得到的慈爱。如果你已经相信主耶稣而成为神的孩子,神愿意你是一个谦卑的人,知道你的所是和所有的一切都是来自神的慈爱。我们自己,作为神的孩子,实在没有什么可以自夸和自高自大的。神多次在圣经中警告我们骄傲是一种罪,许多其它的罪也是因为骄傲而引起。那么在你的生活中,你怎么才能觉察得到自己的骄傲呢?你可以记住一个简单的字母。骄傲这个字英文拼写最中间的字母是什么?罪这个字英文拼写最中间的字母又是什么呢?对,是字母“I。” “I”就是我自己的意思。你要小心,你做的事情或你心里所想的有没有表现出那个自私的我。你有没有说过:“没有人可以让我做那个。”或者“我只想做我愿意做的事。”这些骄傲的话表现出是自私的我在控制我们,而不是主耶稣。我们的骄傲使我们不能相信和顺服主耶稣。神警告我们:骄傲在败坏以先,狂心在跌倒以前。如果你已经相信主耶稣,察看你的心中和你的生活中有没有骄傲。你有没有轻易的就觉得被别人伤害了?你有没有当事情没有符合你的意愿,就不能忍受,大发脾气呢?你有没有觉得自己比别人强呢?如果你诚实地回答是,那么你知道这些都是骄傲的表现。神说他要阻挡骄傲的人。你可以向神承认你的骄傲,求他给你一颗像主耶稣那样谦卑的心。那么你就可以享受神的祝福,而这祝福自高自大的人却从来不知道。这个星期你要不要试着来时刻警醒,察看自己有没有骄傲。记住我们今天的圣经经节雅各书第4章6节来提醒自己。 如果你还没有相信主耶稣,也许是你心中的骄傲使你不愿意向神承认你的罪,而让他来救你。你知道吗?神愿意现在就来拯救你。你可以收听“怎样成为神的孩子”那里会告诉你,你怎样可以今天就被从罪中拯救出来。 让我们再复习一遍雅各书第4章6节“神阻挡骄傲的人,赐恩给谦卑的人。” |
Let’s play “Opposites.” I’ll say one word and you say the word that is opposite. Ready?Day. Girl. Cold. Summer. Proud. Did you say the opposite of the word “proud” is “humble?” Well, that’s right! To be humble is the opposite of being proud. Our Bible verse for today is about those two opposites. James 4:6 God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. To resist means to go against, to fight against. Grace means kindness, an undeserved kindness.If you are a child of God by believing in Christ Jesus, God wants you to be humble, realizing all that you are and all that you have comes from the kindness of the Lord. We have nothing as His children to boast or be proud about. Over and over again in the Bible, God warns us that pride is a sin and causes many other sins. How can you recognize pride in your life?You can remember a simple little letter of the alphabet. What is the middle letter in the word pride?What is the middle letter in the word sin?Be careful that what you do and think and say doesn’t reflect that selfish “I.” Do you ever say things like, “Nobody’s going to make ME do that...” or “I’m going to do what I want to do.” Those are very prideful statements that show the selfish “I” is in control, and not the Lord Jesus. That selfish pride keeps us from believing and obeying the Lord. .” God warns us that pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. If you are a believer in Jesus, examine your heart and life to see if there is pride. Do you get your feelings hurt easily?Do you get mad if you don’t get your way?Do you sometimes think you are better than others?If your honest answer was yes, those are all signs of pride! God says He will resist or He work against pride. Why not confess that pride to God and ask Him to give you a humble servant heart, like our Lord Jesus. Then you will enjoy blessings that proud people will never know. Will you remember this week to watch out for PRIDE?Memorize our Bible verse from James 4:6 and say it to yourself as a reminder! If you have never believed on the Lord Jesus, perhaps it is pride that is keeping you from admitting your sins to God and asking Him to save you. You know that God wants to save you today! Why not listen to my program "How to Be a Child of God" and learn how you can be saved from your sin today. Let’s say that verse from James 4:6 again:God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. And now, let’s close with a song that will help us remember that verse! I often want my selfish way, I do what pleases me. I want the biggest, most and best, And it’s me that people see.But when I let Christ be in charge, I’m glad and so is He. I think of other people first, and it’s Christ that people see. |