小朋友们,你有没有玩过“跟我学" 这个游戏?就是一个人做领袖, 而其他的
摩西曾经派约书亚去攻打他们的敌人 - 亚玛力人。
在 百姓面前按手在他身上,
他将成为以色列人的领袖。 ”摩西按照神所说的做了,
并告诉约书亚, “你当刚强壮胆。”
这句话约书亚以后常常听到。 摩西接着说:“你要和这百姓一同进入神的应许之地,神必在你前面行,神必与你同在,必不撇
约书亚真的很需 要听到这些鼓励的话。 过了不久,
请站起来和我一起说, 约书亚记一章九节 :“
32:7,神 说“我是耶和华,是凡有血气者的神,岂有我难成的事吗?”得胜的秘诀就是象约
先是从摩西,然后从神,现在又从百姓那里,约书亚被这句话激励着。在神的帮助下,约书亚知道他们一定会进入迦南地。 |
you ever played “Follow the Leader?” It’s a game where one child
is the leader and the other boys and girls have to follow him in a line
and jump if he jumps, and turn around if he turns around, etc. Whatever
they see the leader do, the followers must do. Would you rather be the
follower or the leader?The leader, of course! Now that can be a lot of
fun in a game, but in real life, it’s not always easy to be a leader.
The leaders in our Bible lesson today faced some BIG problems.
The first leader in our lesson was Moses. God called him to lead the
nation of Israel out of slavery from Egypt. Let’s go back to Exodus
3:10-12 and remember how God called Moses:Come now, …and I will send
you unto Pharaoh, that you may bring my people the children of Israel
out of Egypt. And Moses said unto God, “Who am I that I should go unto
Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?”
And he (God) said, “Certainly I will be with you; …” And God kept
His Word! He WAS with Moses and He DID lead the people out of slavery.
God gave Moses a godly young man as his minister, or closest helper. His
name was Joshua.
And it was Joshua whom Moses sent to lead the battle against Amalek, their enemies. It was Joshua whom Moses took with him up into Mt. Sinai
when Moses received the Ten Commandments on stone tablets. It was Joshua
Moses chose to go with 11 other spies into the land of Canaan. And it
was Joshua along with Caleb who stood strong in their faith even after
seeing giants in the land of Canaan. And it was only Joshua and Caleb
whom God granted the privilege of living to see the land of Canaan. All
the rest of Joshua’s generation had rebelled against the Lord in not
believing Him. Because of their unbelief, God made the people wander
around in the wilderness for 40 more years, until all of them
died…except Joshua and Caleb.
Not believing our God is a serious sin, and brought serious punishment
on the people of Israel. It caused the people who were Joshua and
Caleb’s age to miss going into the Promised Land. Instead they
wandered around in the wilderness for 40 years, until all of them died.
But now, the 40 years have passed, the younger people are all grown up, and God has once again brought them to the border of Canaan, the
Promised Land! The muddy brown Jordan River was all that stood between
them! Moses was about 120 years old now, but still bright eyed and
energetic, the Bible tells us. Yet Moses knew it would not be his job to
lead the people across the Jordan into their new home. God was about to
take Moses to his forever home in Heaven. God said to Moses, “Take
Joshua and lay your hand on him in the sight of all the people. He will
be the leader for all the children of Israel.” Moses obeyed the Lord, and told Joshua, “Be strong and of a good courage, ” he said. Joshua
was going to hear those same words over and over! And that’s part of
our memory verse today, isn’t it! Moses continued, “You must go with
this people to the land God promised them, and the Lord, He is the one
who goes before you; He will not leave you nor forsake you. Do not fear
nor be dismayed.” As a new leader, Joshua needed to hear those
encouraging words!
Then not long after that, Moses died. God told Joshua, “Moses My
servant is dead. Now arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people
to the land I have given to the people of Israel.”
God promised Joshua that every piece of ground his foot touched was
going to be given to him, and that no man would be able to stand against
him. Moses had encouraged him, now God was cheering Joshua on! As a new
leader, Joshua surely needed to hear those words! Not only was Joshua
going to be leading about two million people, but they were going to
depend on him to get them across that Jordan River, and Joshua knew
across that river lived many enemies, some of which were giants.
These were big problems, and Joshua knew he was not able to solve them!
But Joshua also knew the Lord God was with him, and his God was bigger
than ANY problem! He knew the LORD was with him!
God continued to instruct Joshua:As I was with Moses, so I will be with
you. Only be strong and very courageous, and keep My laws. Don’t turn
from my law to the right or to the left.
This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall
meditate on it day and night so you will remember to do all that is
written there. This will be the secret of your success.
Then God spoke the words of our Bible verse for today. Won’t you stand
right now and say it with me?Joshua 1:9 Be strong and of a good
courage; be not afraid, for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever
thou goest.
Did you know those same encouraging words are also for you, if you have
believed on the Lord Jesus' Remember, the Lord is with you! No matter
what problem or project you are facing, God has promised He is with you
to help you. In Jeremiah 32:7 God asks a question that needs no answer:“Is there anything too hard for Me?” The secret of success for you
is the same as for Joshua:that you hear, read, meditate, memorize and
OBEY the words of your God! Let’s say one word for each finger on our
hand, starting with the smallest finger. When you memorize these
encouraging words, then you can turn them into a prayer when you are
feeling discouraged. You can remember His truth and ask Him for His
help! God is bigger than any problem, and if you know the Lord Jesus, HE
IS WITH YOU and will help you. Joshua had seen that all of his life, but
still he needed those encouraging words from the Lord!
Then with confidence in the Lord, Joshua was ready to take the next
step. He commanded the officers of the people:Go through the camp and
tell everyone to prepare food and get things ready, for in 3 days we
will pass over the Jordan River to go and take the land God has given
Boys and girls, don’t you know the people were excited!! After all
these years, FINALLY, they were going into the Promised Land! The
mothers began to prepare food, maybe the children and teens were milking
cows and goats, and picking berries. Perhaps the fathers were sharpening
knives and spears. Some of the people responded to Joshua, All that you
command us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go. Just as we
obeyed Moses, so we will obey you. May the Lord be with you as He was
with Moses. And then they added the words from our Bible verse!
Can you say them with me?Be strong and of a good courage!
Conclusion:First from Moses, then from the Lord, now from the people
Joshua was being encouraged with those words! And with God’s help, Joshua knew they would go into the land of Canaan! |