他们说:“我们从迦南地来买粮。” 约瑟
他们彼此说, “我们一定会有更大的麻烦了!。”
圣经在创世纪44章11-12节说:于是他们各人急忙把口袋卸在地下,各人打开口袋。管家就搜查,从年长的起,到年幼的为止,那杯竟在便雅悯的口袋里搜出来。约瑟的弟兄们害怕的说不出话来。虽然他们知道便雅悯没有偷那银杯,但是他们没有办法说服那个多疑的埃及官。他们的老父亲一定会伤心死的。他们每个人都害怕的撕裂了自己的衣服。那个时候的人用这样的方式来表示他们有多么难过。他们骑上驴子,回埃及去。小朋友们,便雅悯会怎么样呢?约瑟那些可怜的弟兄们又会怎么样呢?我们下次再讲。 |
all happened so fast! One moment Joseph was a prisoner, the next, he was
standing in Pharaoh’s court as the prince of Egypt! As the prince of
Egypt, Joseph has worked wisely for the last 7 years to prepare Egypt
for the coming famine. Do you remember what we said the word
"famine" meant?It's a time when there is very little food.
Now not only Egypt is entering the time of famine, but also all every
country round about Egypt. The Bible says in Genesis 5l:57, And all
countries came into Egypt to Joseph for to buy corn; because that the
famine was so sore in all lands. And also in verse 52:6, the Bible says:And Joseph was the governor over the land, and he it was that sold to
all the people of the land:Every person that wanted to buy corn must
buy it from Joseph. One day ten men were standing together in the line
of people waiting to buy corn. When Joseph saw them, he must have gasped
in surprise! Joseph recognized the faces of his ten older brothers! Yes, it had been about 22 years since he had since them, but he still
recognized each one! As they came closer and followed the custom of
bowing down before the Egyptian ruler, they certainly did NOT recognize
When they bowed down before Joseph, suddenly another shocking thing ran
through Joseph's mind. He remembered the dreams! Do you remember the
dreams Joseph had as a seventeen-year-old boy, dreams in which his
brothers were bowing down to him?Right before his eyes, these dreams
were coming true!
The Bible says Joseph spoke roughly, harshly, to his brothers. Why?Remember how they had treated him?Perhaps because he was testing them
to see if they had changed in their hearts. Joseph said, "From what
place did you come, and why are you here?" They answered, "We’ve come from the land of Canaan to buy food." Joseph
raised his voice, "You are spies! You have come to see how poor our
land is!" The brothers all defended themselves, "No, sir, your
servants have only come to buy food. We are all l0 brothers, sons of one
man. We are telling you the truth, we are NOT spies!" Joseph
insisted, "You are spies!" Oh how upset the brothers were!
"Sir, " they said, "your servants are l2 brothers, the
sons of one man in Canaan; and, the youngest brother is with our father, and one brother is dead. We are not spies!"
They were so upset because, even though they were telling the truth, this man would not believe them! Do you ever get upset when you are
telling the truth and your parents and your teachers don't believe you?But wait, did Joseph’s brothers always tell the truth?What terrible
lies they had told about Joseph! Do you remember?Do you always tell the
truth?No! And when we don't it's lying. And lying is sin, so is
disobeying your parents, or pouting to get your way. And you know, sin
should upset us more than anything, because all sin is against God. You
know what sin is! Sin is anything we even think, say or do that breaks
God's laws, and God says in Romans 3:l9 that all the world is guilty
before God of breaking His laws! That should upset us more than
anything, especially when we know what the punishment of sin is.
If we refuse to receive the Lord Jesus as our Saviour from sin, then we
must bear the everlasting punishment for sin. Do you remember what that
is?It is forever being separated from God and His wonderful perfect
Heaven. But you've heard me tell you how much God loves you and wants
you to be in Heaven with Him some day. He created you and Heaven for
that very plan, so you could enjoy and share in all that happiness and
beauty and richness! Our holy and perfect God made a way for you to have
your sins forgiven. God sent Jesus His perfect Son to be your Lamb, the
Lamb who would die in your place. We know Jesus rose from the dead and
is in Heaven now, ready to forgive your sin. If you have never done
this, you can choose today to receive the Lord Jesus or reject Him.
Rejecting Jesus means you must bear your own punishment for sin. That
should upset you more than anything!
Joseph's brothers were upset, not because of their sin but because this
Egyptian ruler did not believe them. Finally Joseph said to them, "I will find out if you are telling the truth." Joseph took
Simeon and bound him like a prisoner and put him in a prison house. To
the other brothers he said, "You go home and take corn for your
families. But the next time you come back, you had better have your
younger brother with you, the one you told me you left at home. If you
bring a younger brother, then I will know you are telling the truth and
you will not die."
All this time Joseph was speaking through an interpreter to his
brothers. He spoke Egyptian, the brothers spoke Hebrew. They didn't
think he could understand them, so they began to talk to each other in
Hebrew right in front of Joseph. "Do you know why all this is
happening to us?It's because of what we did to our brother Joseph years
ago! Remember when we saw the anguish in his eyes as he begged us to
have mercy on him, and we wouldn't listen?Now, look at what is
happening to us!" Reuben the oldest brother added, "Yes, and
didn't I tell you not to sin against the child, and you would not listen
to me?Now God is judging us for our sin!"
The brothers were realizing, their secret sin was not so secret! Even
though their father still did not know the truth about what happened to
Joseph, God knew! No one's secret sin is secret to God! God will judge
every secret! And Joseph's brothers were realizing that right now!
There stood that proud Egyptian ruler, acting as if he didn't
understand. But suddenly, the Joseph who is hiding behind that proud
Egyptian image, suddenly he was so touched by their words that he had to
run out of the room. He found a private place where he could let the
tears flow. He cried and cried. He had many reasons to cry, didn't he?.
Soon he washed his face and returned and sent them back to Canaan.
When the brothers arrived home, they told the long and strange story to
their father. Then to add to their distress they each opened their sacks
of corn they had bought in Egypt, "Oh, no" they discovered
their money was put back in their sacks. "We are surely in more
trouble than ever!" At first, old Jacob was not going to allow
Benjamin to go back with them to Egypt, even though Simeon's freedom
depended on Benjamin being brought. Let's read from Gen. 52:38 what old
Jacob said:"My son shall not go down with you; for his brother is
Poor old Jacob! He had grieved all these years for Joseph, believing
that he was dead. believing the wicked lie his sons had told him. Those
sons had to see their father's grief every day and be reminded of their
secret sin. You can be sure the sons of Jacob lost many happy hours
because of their secret sin! Even though Jacob was grieving and did not
think he could give up his son, finally, all that corn ran out. Everyone
began to be hungry. And Jacob relented. He said:take a present to this
Egyptian ruler. And may be his heart will be softened. The brothers took
a present of honey, spices, nuts, and precious ointment called myrrh.
They took double money for their corn.
Joseph saw Benjamin in the crowd of brothers as they came before him. He
turned to the ruler of his house and said, "Take these men to my
house. Fix a really good meal. They are going to have lunch with
me." Joseph's brothers were uneasy and confused. Knowing how
harshly they had been treated before, they were not sure what this ruler
was planning to do. Even though he was inviting them to lunch. When they
saw Joseph's steward, they explained to him about finding money in their
sacks. "Oh, " he said kindly, "I had your money. It must have
been that God put treasure in your sacks!" He didn't tell them that
Joseph had ordered him to put their money back in their sacks! The
brothers brought their present to the Egyptian ruler, who seemed to be
in a very kind and generous mood. When Joseph looked at Benjamin again, he had to suddenly leave the room again. He went to his bedroom and
there he cried again. How dearly he loved his family! How deeply he had
been hurt! Then Joseph quickly washed his face, put on his dignified
expression, and returned to the dining room. Simeon had been brought out
of the prison house to the other brothers, and how surprised they all
were to see that they had assigned seating according to their birth
order. They didn't know anyone in Egypt. How could anyone in Egypt know
them, to place them in exactly the order of their age, all eleven of
them?Things seem to go very well at lunch, and the brothers began to relax.
Maybe now this strange-acting Egyptian ruler really trusted them. They
got their sacks of corn, paid for them, and early the next morning, they
were leaving to return to their father in Canaan. All eleven brothers
were together again, and everything was peaceful. Until! They had not
gone far from Egypt when suddenly, they heard shouts and hoof beats
behind them! "Stop! Thieves!" The brothers stopped and turned
to see Joseph's steward angrily coming toward them. "Why have you
rewarded evil for good?Why did you steal my master's silver cup?" You can imagine how upset these brothers were! "What are you
saying?God forbid that we should do such a thing! Don't you see that we
were honest enough to return our money to you that we found in our
sacks?How can you dare accuse us of stealing your ruler's silver or
gold?Here, check everyone's sack and if you find that silver cup in one
of our sacks, then that person will die and the rest of us will be your
servants. "Very well, "the steward said, "Only whoever has
stolen the cup shall be the servant."
Oh, The Bible says in Genesis 55:ll, Then they speedily took down every
man his sack to the ground, and opened every man his sack. Verse twelve
says, and he searched, and began at the eldest, and left at the
youngest:and the cup was found in Benjamin's sack. The brothers gasped
in horrified silence! Not Benjamin! They knew Benjamin have not stolen
that cup, but how would they ever be able to convince that suspicious
Egyptian ruler! And their old father, what, he would grieve himself to
death if anything happened to Benjamin. They were so horrified that they
ripped their coats. This was something people did in those days to show
how terribly upset they were. They all climbed back on their donkeys and
started back to Egypt. Oh, boys and girls, what will happen to Benjamin?What will happen to these poor miserable brothers! |